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let our clients do so instead :)

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Ryan Hayward
Ryan Hayward

I was really impressed with how the AppInvent guys were able to take my vision and turn it into reality, very quickly. The design and development quality are superb, and they're also interesting, good people to work with.

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Working with AppInvent provides many benefits, but their focus on writing solid maintainable code and a strong work ethics are what elevates them above their peers.
Mike Tria
VP of Engineering
Ed Kershenbaum
Ed Kershenbaum
Chief Information Officer

AppInvent was really instrumental in helping us get organized. They took us through a facilitated brainstorming approach they call Inception. The methodology enabled us to nail down requirements so that we can really get essentials out the door and build a roadmap for additional phases of features into the offering.

I've been so pleased with the work that AppInvent has done that we have now started working with them to help build the next set of great products

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Dan "Shoe" Hsu
Dan "Shoe" Hsu
Co-Founder of Bitmob

Hopefully you did notice, but the site is stable again, thanks to the genius developers at AppInvent.

We can't show those guys enough of our appreciation, but we also wanted to recognize those of you who have stuck it out with through our crappy times. You're our most loyal supporters, and we love you for that.

Immediately after they started doing development with us, we realized that we will be able to leverage more of their services, more of their engineers, more of their product managers...
Mike Rowan
VP of R&D
Jackson Hull
Jackson Hull
VP of Technology

Plum District has been partnered with AppInvent for more than a year. We principally use AppInvent as an outsourced development shop, but have been thrilled with their deep level of expertise. For example, we often consult with them on architectural decisions and scale issues. They are participants in our sprints and stand-ups, and afford us the ability to develop round-the-clock.

They fit in snuggly with our culture, never afraid to voice an opinion when it counts. Their work is high-quality and I particularly appreciate their testing oriented development philosophy.

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Mike Rowan
Mike Rowan

The comprehension level of all the team members is great, just a simple explanation serves as the basis for them to take my thoughts and turn it into the creation I have imagined.

It's been great working with AppInvent engineers, definitely some of the most talented developers I've worked with in my career.
Ed Kershenbaum
Chief Information Officer
Rob Amos
Rob Amos
Founder & CEO

We interviewed numerous development companies from different parts of the world. With many options on the table, we chose AppInvent because they got it! We knew very early in our discussions they understood our vision and had the experience necessary to make it a reality. AppInvent's team has the right balance of technical expertise, professional communication, and above all else - an overwhelming passion for bringing awesome web apps into the world.

We are very happy to have selected AppInvent as our technical partner. We absolutely recommend AppInvent to any entrepreneur seeking to make their vision a reality.

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Chris Forman
Chris Forman
Founder, CEO

They are able really to deliver. It's not just about few checkboxes in a product plan. It's about building and delivering product that is meeting market need. A lot of people when they look at outsource relationships immediate focus is on cost. We approached in a different way. It's all about quality of output.

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The level of detail and thoughtfulness that AppInvent brings to the table is truly exceptional...
Tope Awotona
Founder & CEO
Michael Kaiser Nyman
Michael Kaiser Nyman

Impact Dialing came to AppInvent when we were facing scaling challenges leading up to the 2012 general elections. AppInvent jumped in and began making noticeable improvements almost immediately..

They helped take our write-heavy, highly realtime application from serving a maximum of 2,000 web requests per minute to over 28,000 rpm on election day. Impact Dialing wouldn't have been able to scale the way we needed to without AppInvent's help.

David La Hei
David La Hei
SW Architect / Product Owner

The engineers at AppInvent worked on several of our Ruby on Rails web applications. These guys are up-to-date on the latest technology, they know what they are doing, and want to deliver quality code.

We were somewhat skeptical at first because of the distance between The Netherlands and Ukraine. However, in this case, contracting worked out pretty well and they were really part of the team.

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We found a world-class firm. They gave us the best possible chance of success!
Eddie Ross
Keith Swan
Keith Swan

AppInvent has been a core part of Playhem’s growth and development since our inception almost three years ago. We utilize RW for our engineering, design, and QA capabilities.

Not only are they constantly at the cutting edge of new technologies and best practices, but also, they are pleasure to work with: friendly dispositions, hard working, and incredibly passionate and proud about the products they create. They are like family, and Playhem would not be where we are today without them.

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