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Great Products
Great Code

We design and develop awesome apps for Web and Mobile

We build


We build elegant and functional solutions using Ruby on Rails, node.js, Angular JS and more.

More Web


We deliver apps essentials at your finger tips. Functional, flawless and easy to use.

More Mobile


We are AppInvent experts, but building great products would not be possible without knowledge and extensive usage of many other things, e.g. HaProxy, Nginx, Angular/Backbone JS, PostgreSQL, Redis, Redshift, AWS, Heroku and many-many more.

Why AppInvent


Front-end Technology Stack

Front-end programmers at AppInvent follows OOCSS principles to organize CSS across large-scale projects. Our experts write truly modular, reusable code and effectively collaborate with the team. Within the knowledge sharing culture, our developers open-sourced their own vision of the Modular CSS - check out ApplePie.


iOS and Android Technologies

We’re always on the edge of the technology trends and now actively using Swift in our mobile projects. Even more, AppInvent engineers have built open source BDD style testing framework for Swift - Sleipnir - which already got more than 500 stars on GitHub. Our unified API’s and “mobile first” approach in application design is our “secret sauce” for the apps’ flawless look and feel on both Android and iOS.


Full Back-end Stack

The entry point of the backend is the load balancer, which is proxying requests to a combination of Nginx and Passenger. For standard web applications we use RoR as a core technology, but for high loaded real-time systems Erlang is just a better option. For persistent data storage we use PostgreSQL or MySQL, if it makes more sense. As a Key-value storage we prefer Redis, and for messaging - RabbitMQ. We also have extensive experience with both types of hosting, the classical hardware and modern cloud based. In each particular case developers design a specific technological stack to sustain needs of the application, as well as to make it stable and fast.


Integrations Map

Today it's hard to imagine web products not linked to popular services. Our Ruby On Rails developers have implemented a bunch of different integrations, e.g. social networks(Facebook, Twitter), payment systems (Paypal, Stripe, Braintree), geo services (Foursquare, Google Maps/Places, Yahoo Local, Yelp, etc.), email marketing (Sendgrid, Mailchimp), business tools (LinkedIn, Zendesk, Pivotal Tracker), etc.

While integrating, we do not only use 3rd party API’s, but also build our own API’s that can be used by third party applications.

The team

AppInvent is a community of friendly, open-minded, collaborative, and professionally growing people. We're lucky to have the best team. Ever :)

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Working with AppInvent provides many benefits, but their focus on writing solid maintainable code and a strong work ethic are what elevates them above their peers.
Mike Tria
VP of Engineering
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