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Clients around the world

Our location Clients location

SF, NY, London,

While we're located in Europe, our clients are from all over the world - majority in the USA and Europe, and some are even in Australia and Japan. With easy travel capability, very close daily communication, perfect internal infrastructure, polished product management approaches and English as a second native language at Railsware company, it feels like we’re working next door to you ;)

Clients about Railsware
Our core values

Strong expertise

With Ruby on Rails and JS frameworks being our core area of expertise, our RoR experts stay on the cutting edge of newest and most effective technology trends. In 2011, we also launched Mobile direction and since then released a number of really beautiful successful apps on the market.

What we do

Visibility and Control

Roadmap Example

Railsware culture is all about continuous improvement, finding better ways to do things and increasing quality. We make it possible via two things. First is the new approaches that we adapt to our needs (e.g. Inception, TDD, describing context with issues/benefits/risks, roadmaps and users stories). And second is the new technologies that we become experts in, i.e. ReactJS, BackboneJS and AngularJS. All this allows Railsware developers to stay agile, control development progress and be in time with everything.

Furthermore, to help our clients not only build a great product, but grow their business, we’re working on launching Growth Hacking direction. Turn idea into a product, and then a product to a success!

Ecosystem Contributors

Large part of the Railsware culture is contributing to engineering community and this is being done in many different ways: through blog, conferences, open source, knowledge sharing sessions, and even our own products that are aimed at increasing other teams’ productivity. Take a look at Mailtrap , Booster and PIRO!

All open source
We can speak about ourselves for hours, but we better let our clients do so instead :)
Case Studies
Fascinating case studies on the projects we've built.