Hire Us

Core values

What makes a truly great team out of AppInvent is them sharing the same culture, same values and same core qualities.

Great Products Assembly

Great products

Perhaps the largest part of AppInvent vision is building awesome products for both ourselves and our clients. The way we build them has been revised numerous time over the past 11 years - we've experimented, explored new approaches and worked on making the whole process better from A to Z. What we have now is very close to what we were aiming at, and still we keep tuning it further from project to project.


Friends and partners to our clients

Building great products would not be even closely possible without making friends with our clients. It is more like we're building a business together, as opposed to just work-for-hire. They trust us to give them good advice and guidance, and totally turn over the technical part to us focusing on the business side.

Honesty and Respect

Respect and understanding

Honesty and respect are the cornerstones of our relationships with clients and partners. We also encourage empathy, patience, and attentive listening, as these traits have made a huge impact on AppInvent, as well as on our client companies.

Learn Build Measure Cycle

Lean mindset

Improve to bring more value to our clients is one of our key work principles. Inception, Build-Measure-Learn approach, pair programming, TDD, and other processes and approaches are all aimed at building better products, building them efficiently and spending optimal amount of resources.

Transform from Good to Great

From good to great

We’re constantly staying on the edge of the new technology - taking the best, changing, adapting to what fits us best. We never stop at just "good enough", but always strive for “great” — and then some more.

Conference Badge

Contribute to community

When we learn something, we write a blog post; when we polish a new development approach, we do a workshop for teams like ours; when we create a new framework, we open source it. Contributing to the development community comes naturally for we believe that sharing our knowledge helps someone grow the same way we learn from others.

We are a community of friendly, open-minded, collaborative, and professionally growing people.
We can speak about ourselves for hours, but we better let our clients do so instead :)