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What we do

Below are all the areas we are experts in. Areas where we collaborate with our clients and help them build great products. Pick up the ones that fit you most.

Web Services Icon

Web Development

Web applications development is our core area of expertise and passion. We build elegant and functional web solutions using Ruby on Rails, node.js, angular.js and more. Simple and intuitive or extensive and complex - we can build it with you.

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Mobile Services Icon

Mobile Development

Mobile applications is a relatively young direction we launched, but already boasting quite a few beautiful apps in portfolio. We deliver apps essentials at your fingertips. Functional, flawless and easy to use.

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Inception Icon


Inception is a powerful and extremely efficient way to clarify and shape product solution, get all the project stakeholders on the same page and get the scope and product roadmap ready for production.

Design Icon

UI / UX design

AppInvent is not only a company of engineers, but a company of designers as well. Our experts in UI/UX passionately create consistent user experience and work close to our Ruby on Rails engineers.

Technology Migration

Technology migration

If you are in trouble scaling your application, we can help you migrate your app to the newest version of Ruby On Rails. Having more than 11 years of building fault tolerant applications and scalable architecture using RoR, we’ll do the deep analysis of current product state, make cost and benefits assessment.

Rescue Mission

Rescue mission

If you are stuck on finding out why your app is so slow or constantly crashing – we’ll do a technical audit and fix your application within a short timeframe.



If you're acquiring a technical asset or looking to assess your own one, an honest evaluation is essential. Understanding risks and technical debts now can pay off considerably in the future.

On Site Training

On site training

With years of experience organizing and managing both large and small Ruby on Rails teams, we will leverage our expertise to help you establish a local development.

Hiring Help

Hiring help

Success of your product is determined by the quality of the team behind it. We can assist you in the technical interview process to ensure you are adding the best talent to your team.

Case Studies
Fascinating case studies on the projects we've built.
Why AppInvent
Find out why startups and corporations choose AppInvent.